Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What We Think of the iPad

Arnie asked us in a recent e-mail what we thought of the iPad. For a group that seems fairly resistant to the Kindle and its various competitive iterations, I can safely say this about sums it up:

Personally, I think the iPad will have little to no effect on publishers. Tablet devices already exist and the tech consumer will vote with their dollars; publishers slap content into formats already viable for the marketplace and this is just another forum for it. Unless of course, Apple decides to make storytelling interactive, like those children's books with the buttons on the side.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, that reminds me -- there's a lady based in Silver Spring I'm in contact with who is publishing interactive children's books for the iPhone/iPod Touch (as in, there is audio and the screen will highlight the words as they're being read, and the child touches the screen to get the page to turn).

    Watch this space, I'll talk to her and write up her enterprise for the blog soon.
